Does not work on my 4s. No other apps running in background, crashes as soon as try to do something as simple as opening the in app help file.
Does not work on my 4s. No other apps running in background, crashes as soon as try to do something as simple as opening the in app help file.
Please add front-view camera!
Great for the first 10 uses then it crashes
This app did everything I wanted it to do very easily except incorporate the front facing camera.
Works flawlessly n does the work perfectly !!
This app crashes and all it does is ask you to delete other apps, videos and pictures even when I dont have anything store on the ipad. I have more than enough space for a video but all it ever asks me to do is make more space and then it crashes! It is a waste of money and it is not that great at keying for a video. Also it does not even let you see what you are recording because it disables that function. I would not recommend this app to anyone at all.
It occasionally freezes and it really gets on my nerves, the effects are great! Please fix running iPad mini no retina
Still learning the best way to use the app. Veescope Live for iOS is truly impressive.
This app brought a lot of fun to me and my friends, if you have a green screen its a cool app to mess around with.
I have tried the rest of the apps and this is the best one.
Super stupid, it does not even work. I mean even your face turns into the background, and you cant even do anything about it
AMAZING APP! Tricky to set up the right color, can take a few minutes to get ready, but the results are amazing! I love this app and it has helped me soooo much
Good app but the blank wall thing doesnt work. You guys make an update or something.
This WAS a very cool app, but it wont load after the latest update.
Were using our iPad for this and we desperately want it to work! But it keeps crashing so we have to delete it and then re-download from our cloud. Also, the tutorials (which are only somewhat helpful) play in the background. Def some bugs that need attention.
Hey I am telling you my aunt is a famous actress and i all ways wanted to do a green screen I am 11 so yeah I love it!! And for some backgrounds will turn sideways thats just barely not a lot I recommend this to any green screen fan! Sorry gotta go film some green screen!
Really good app. More people should buy it, though I dont recommend it for people that arent patient with apps like this......
Im not saying its words best green screen app, but it does the job! Remember, its an iPhone app! Totally worth to buy it.
Easy to use. Extremely cheap. And on my phone. Thanks!
This app has become increasingly polished over time. Live chroma keying - so much power in the palm of your hand!